Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Oct 2016)

Une révolution du globe : le « peuple-monde » d’Alberdi ou la résolution transnationale du cycle révolutionnaire

  • Mélanie Sadler



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Juan Bautista Alberdi is a jurist whose production has already been thoroughly discussed. Consequently, this chapter does not purport to present an interpretation of his works which would claim to be unique and exclusionary, but rather it aims to propose another perspective, perhaps less studied, on his production. The Tucuman jurist, heir of two cultures ‒ a jurisdictional culture of the Ancien Régime and a culture that stems from revolutions ‒ is confronted with the fundamental question of the re-establishment of a social order after the revolution. Far from promoting only principles belonging to what has been named « Western Modernity », his propositions are the result of a real metabolisation of the principles which emerged with the revolutions by the jurisdictional culture. Furthermore, far from thinking of this resolution in solely the frame of the Argentinean “state” or the “nation”, his propositions are conceived only if integrated into an order that exceeds the frame of the nation, a transnational order, called “pueblo mundo” by Alberdi.
