Biotemas (Jun 2012)
Temporal analysis of diameter and height distributions in a Semideciduous Seasonal Forest in the Cerrado-Amazon Forest transition, East Mato Grosso, Brazil
The aim of this study was to describe the temporal fluctuations in diameter and height distributions in a semideciduous seasonal forest (14º49’32”S and 52º06’20”W), in the Cerrado-Amazon Forest transition, Nova Xavantina – MT, Brazil, between 2003 and 2008. Sixty permanent plots of 10 x 10m were established, where the diameters and heights of all individuals with diameter at breast height ≥ 5cm were measured. The class intervals for diameter and height distribution were calculated and histograms were constructed. The diameter distributions of the community and the main species did not differ within the period, as well as the community height distribution, characterizing a temporal maintenanceof the distributions. Even with the absence of temporal changes, the community under study is not static, since between 2003 and 2008 it was found a decrease in the number of individuals (6%) and a discrepancy in the “q” quotient values among the successive diameter classes. The diameter distributions of the main species suggest that Cheiloclinium cognatum, Tetragastris altissima and Brosimum rubescens will keep or perhaps increase their population densities, whereas Amaioua guianensis and Chaetocarpus echinocarpus possibly shall have a decrease in their populations in the future.