Veterinární Medicína (Jul 2011)

Effect of the herbal preparation Nozevit on the mid-gut structure of honeybees (Apis mellifera) infected with Nosema sp. spores

  • I. Tlak Gajger,
  • Z. Kozaric,
  • D. Berta,
  • S. Nejedli,
  • Z. Petrinec

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 56, no. 7
pp. 344 – 351


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The histopathological structure as well as content and distribution of mucosubstances in the mid-gut mucosa of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) treated with the phyto-pharmacological preparation Nozevit was studied. For the purpose of describing neutral, acid and sulphate mucopolysaccharides we used the Periodic Acid-Schiff Reaction (PAS), Alcian blue-specific (pH = 1.0 and 2.5) and Toluidine blue-specific staining. Based on our results we have concluded that the herbal preparation Nozevit induces the production and secretion of mucous from the epithelial layer of treated bees, and additionally coats the peritrophic membrane to form a firm and resilient envelope. Thus, the preparation may ensure protection from new invasion with Nosema sp. spores and also from normal physiological processes.
