Rona Teknik Pertanian (Oct 2020)
Perancangan Dan Pengujian Model Mobil Robot Penanam Bibit Kangkung
Abstrak. Penanaman bibit kangkung sesuai prosedur dilakukan dengan proses menajuk, proses menajuk memakan waktu yang lama, sehingga membuat petani melakukan penaburan bibit untuk mempersingkat waktu peanaman, namun berpotensi terjadi gagal panen akbiat bibit tidak tertanam. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu membangun mobil robot penanam bibit kangkung. Metode yang diperlukan dalam membangun mobil robot ini meliputi, penghitungan rata-rata bedengan, perancangan mobil robot, perakitan, dan pengujian. Dari metode tersebut maka diperoleh hasil yang meliputi desain dan analisis desain, hasil pembuatan/perakitan, hasil pengujian dan hasil penanaman. Desain mobil robot memiliki ukuran sesuai ukuran rata-rata bedengan yang digunakan petani yaitu 1,6 m, hasil analisis menunjukan beban maksimum robot 28,80 kg dengan perpindahan maksimal 3,266 mm yang membuat chassis masih aman digunakan.Proses perakitan mobil robot meliputi komponen elektronika dan komponen chassis sesuai dengan hasil desain dan perancangan. Robot yang telah dirakit dilakukan pengujian. Pengujian elektronika menampilkan keluaran arus sebesar 3A, tegangan 12 volt dan tahanan 5,4 ohm, pada penggunaan baterai dengan kapasitas 7,4 Ah yang dapat bekerja selama 4,5 jam dengan menggunakan stepdown supaya arus stabil membuat kecepatan stabil dan tidak membuat komponen mobil robot hangus akibat loncatan tegangan. Karena mobil robot bekerja secara autonomous maka pengujian vision juga diperlukan sebagai indra penglihatan gerak pada mobil robot. Selama 4,5 jam mobil robot dapat menanam bibit dengan luas lahan 4,7 hektar (4788 m2). Design and Testing Mobile Robot Spinach Water Seed Planting Abstract. Planting water spinach seeds according to the procedure were carried out by the process of crowning, the process took a long time, so it made farmers sow seeds to shorten the planting time, but there was a potential for crop failure due to not planting the seeds. The purpose of this research was to build a mobile robot water spinach seed planting. The methods needed to build this robot car included calculating the average bed, designing a robot car, assembling, and testing. From this method, the results obtained included design and design analysis, manufacturing/assembly results, testing results, and planting results. The mobile robot design had a size according to the average size of the beds used by farmers, namely 1.6 × 1.4 × 0.5 m, the analysis results showed that the robot's maximum load was 28.80 kg with a maximum displacement of 3.266 mm which made the chassis still safe to use. The robot car assembly process included electronic components and chassis components in accordance with the design and design results. The assembled robot was tested. Electronic testing displayed a current output of 3A, a voltage of 12 volts, and a resistance of 5.4 ohms, on the use of a 7.4 Ah battery that can work for 4.5 hours using a step down so that the current was stable to make the speed stable and did not make robot car components scorched due to voltage jumps. Because robot cars worked autonomously, vision testing was also needed as a sense of motion in robot cars. During 4.5 hours the robot car can plant seeds with a land area of 4.7 hectares (4788 m2).