International Journal of Multiphysics (Apr 2016)
The numerical analysis of food processing using shock wave
In recent years, the use of the shock wave has increased not only in thefields of the material development and the metal processing, but also in thefield of the medical treatment, of the environment as the science andtechnology upgrades. We have focused on the food processing by usingan underwater shock wave. This process has various advantages such asshort processing time and a very few energy consuming and no nutrientreduction due to non-thermal processing. An efficient food processingequipment is needed to evaluate the phenomenon of the shock waveloading, the numerical method for food processing by underwater shockwave is quite skillful and very important. Especially in the design for thesuitable pressure vessels for food processing, the phenomenon inpressure vessel are very complex and in multi-physics manners. Therefore,in numerical calculation, a lot of parameter for the numerical analysis isneed for pressure vessel material and various foods. In this study, thepurpose is to clarify unknown parameters of the potatoes by measuringUs-up.