Rasprave Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje (Jan 2018)
Planning a multilingual database of higher education terminology
The paper aims to study European and Hungarian organisations and institutions that are related to the terminology of education. Then we analyse glossaries, dictionaries and databases that can be found online at the webpages of UNESCO and the European Union, and also those that contain education terminology in Hungarian (online and offline). Finally, we are going to introduce our planned database. The terminology of education is a key area at the national level and in the context of the European Union equally. There are existing word lists, glossaries and dictionaries in certain languages that contain the terminology of education in one or more languages. Our aim is to design and prepare a multilingual terminology database in the field of education terminology. The languages we plan to work with are Hungarian, English, and the official languages (Romanian, Slovak, Ukrainian, Croatian, German, Serbian, Slovenian) of the territories in the neighbouring countries where there is a substantial Hungarian minority, who attend school either in the official language of that country or in Hungarian.