РМЖ. Мать и дитя (Feb 2020)
Current views on the pre-pregnancy planning
D.M. Ibragimova, Yu.E. Dobrokhotova Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation Pre-pregnancy planning is a complex of preventive measures to minimize the risks associated with the realization of reproductive function. Today, women are characterized by high level of anxiety and depressive disorders which result in the dysfunction of hypothalamus and pituitary gland manifested with physiologically elevated levels of prolactin. Available data demonstrate that even physiologically elevated levels of prolactin (in particular, in prolonged physical and emotional stresses) can lead to infertility. Prolactin is commonly regarded as the “stress hormone” since its production increases in regular chronic stresses. In many women, excessive prolactin secretion occurs in stresses. This paper addresses this issue as well as clinical experience with vitamin mineral complex containing Vitex agnus-castus extract used for pre-pregnancy planning in women with functional hyperprolactinemia as a result of chronic stress. Reducing micronutrient deficien cy (as a part of pre-pregnancy planning) significantly improves somatic health, cognitive functions, and life expectancy of the future child (level of evidence A). Vitex agnus-castus extract normalizes prolactin levels and menstrual cycle thus helping women get pregnant more often and improving the functions of female reproductive system. Keywords: pre-pregnancy planning, vitamin mineral complex containing Vitex agnus-castus extract, pregnancy, infertility, hyperprolactinemia, stress. For citation: Ibragimova D.M., Dobrokhotova Yu.E. Current views on the pre-pregnancy planning. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2020;3(1):51–54. DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2020-3-1-51-54.