口腔疾病防治 (Sep 2017)
The effect of unilateral Forsus appliance in the treatment of ClassⅡmalocclusion subdivision
Objective To assess the result of treatment in ClassⅡmalocclusion subdivision with unilateral Forsus appliance. Methods 23 patients with ClassⅡmalocclusion subdivision were selected, who were treated with Straight wire fixed appliance in combination with unilateral Forsus appliances while another 27 patients were untreated as con⁃ trol group. Lateral cephalographs were taken before and after the comprehensive treatment, and the indicators of dental, skeletal, and soft tissue profile were measured. Results The Forsus appliance can correct ClassⅡmalocclusion subdi⁃ vision through distalizing the upper teeth and moving the lower teeth mesially. Midline can be corrected at the same time. There was a statistically significant difference in the amount of tooth movement (P < 0.05). Conclusion Forsus appliance is an effective device for treating ClassⅡmalocclusion subdivision, which can induce significant dental and soft tissue changes.