IEEE Access (Jan 2024)

Multi-Standard Speculative Decision Feedback Equalizer for PAMN Wireline Receiver

  • Mohamed Ahmed,
  • Mohamed O. Abouzeid,
  • Tawfiq Musah

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12
pp. 148281 – 148293


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This paper proposes a new modulation-driven pipelining approach for reducing the complexity of speculative decision feedback equalizers (DFEs). The scalable receiver architecture enables the detection and equalization of multiple pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) signaling schemes using same hardware. The receiver is architected into parallel slices of pipelined layers that achieve significant energy and area savings compared to conventional realizations. The fine modularity in two dimensions of the proposed receiver circuit facilitates the clock gating of unused components to ensure energy-proportional behavior. Simulink simulations were used to discuss the parallel and multi-layer operation of the proposed receiver in both detection and equalization modes. The results from the model also show no performance degradation from the new receiver architecture when configured for PAM8/6/4/3/2 operation. Transistor level design and physical layout of a 1-tap PAM4 DFE/3-tap PAM2 DFE were used to discuss design considerations and trade-offs. Pre-layout validation results indicate that seamless reconfigurability and complexity reduction can be achieved at comparable or better area and power to architectures that constrain the receiver intersymbol interference (ISI).
