Известия Уральского федерального университета. Серия 2: Гуманитарные науки (Jun 2018)

A Synthesising Work about Late Antiquity by Rene Pfeilschifter. Review of: Pfeilschifter, R. (2014). Die Spätantike: der eine Gott und die vielen Herrscher. C. H. Beck Geschichte der Antike, 6156. München: C.H. Beck. 304 p.

  • Aleksandr Sergeevich Kozlov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 2(175)
pp. 239 – 244


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This review considers the concept and content of the book intended for general readers by the German specialist analysing the peculiarities and characteristics of the Mediterranean civilization of the 3rd–7th centuries. The reviewer emphasises the relevance of the object of studying, and the integrity of the form in which the author describes the complex material and the accuracy of his choice of historical factors necessary for understanding late antiquity. However, the reviewer points out the arguable character of interpretation of the key issues of the history of late Rome meant for students and non-specialists in general. The author focuses on the points in the book that provide a new approach to the sociopolitical and religious and cultural aspects of late antiquity as a relatively open and self-sufficient system, which pragmatically used vertical social dynamics to provide stability in society.
