РМЖ. Мать и дитя (May 2018)
Pharmacological treatment of uterine myoma in the period of the menopausal transition
Pharmacological treatment of uterine myoma in the period of the menopausal transition Tapilskaya N.I.1, Glushakov R.I.2 1 National Medical Research Center Of Obstetrics, Gynecology And Perinatology named after V.I. Kulakov, Moscow 2 St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University Uterine myoma is one of the most common gynecological diseases, which is associated with a high risk of abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhoea, and now there are no markers that allow to assess the degree of response to treatment and the risks of recurrence of the disease, which ultimately limits the possibilities of the personalized treatment choice. Aim: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a prolonged use of mifepristone as a drug therapy of uterine myoma in patients during the menopausal transition (Stage 2 of STRAW 10 at the time of treatment). Patients and Methods: the prospective study involved 141 patients with uterine myoma who received mifepristone (Gynestril®) 50 mg every other day for 12 months. After the end of the therapy, the dynamics of the course of uterine myoma was monitored 1 time in 6 months before the onset of menopause (median follow-up of 41 months). Before and after the end of the treatment, all patients underwent an endometrial pipelle biopsy followed by a histological examination. Results: by the end of the 3-d month of treatment medical amenorrhea was registered in 97.8% of patients, by the end of the 6-th month of treatment — in 100% of patients. By the end of 12 months of treatment, the thickness of the endometrium was more than 10 mm in 63% of patients, with an average thickness of 13.8±2.9 mm. According to the results of a histological study of the endometrial biopsy, all the samples had no signs of hyperplastic processes or neoplasms. For 36 months after the end of treatment, the total relapse rate was 21.7%, while in 90% of 10 cases progression was subsequently replaced by stabilization and / or regression. Within 3 years the subsequent regression of uterine myoma was registered in 30.4% of patients. Conclusions: the results of this study demonstrated that the prolonged use of mifepristone (Gynestril®) is characterized by high effectiveness and safety profile. Key words: uterine myoma, bleeding, uterine bleeding, treatment of uterine myoma, mifepristone, Gynestril®. For citation: Tapilskaya N.I., Glushakov R.I. Pharmacological treatment of uterine myoma in the period of the menopausal transition // RMJ. 2018. № 5(I). P. 10–15.