Journal of Family and Reproductive Health (Jun 2012)

Long-term Disease Free and Successful Pregnancy in a Woman with Gonadal Dysgenesis and Malignant Germ Cell Tumor

  • Azamsadat Mousavi,
  • Mitra Gilani,
  • Shirin Goodarzi,
  • Ensieh Tehraninejad,
  • Hayedeh Haeri

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 2


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Objective: To report a case of long-term disease free and successful pregnancy after fertility sparing staging surgery with adjuvant chemotherapy in a 46,Xy gonadal dysgenetic with malignant germ cell tumor. Materials and methods: A case report from a university hospital about a 19-year-old female with 46,XY karyotype ( Swyer syndrome). The patient underwent bilateral gonadectomy and staging with uterus preservation. Six course adjuvant chemotherapy with VBP (Vinblastin, Bleomycin, Cisplatin) was given. The case got pregnant through IVF- embryo donation. Disease free period and successful pregnancy is reported. Results: After treatment the patient is free of the disease after 11 years follow-up. She underwent in vitro fertilization treatment with oocyte donation and gave birth to a healthy ch. Conclusion: Improved multimodality treatment, allowance for consideration of fertility options for some women with gynecologic cancers. Since major concern in women with XY gonadal dysgenesis is ovarian malignancy, even with stage II dysgerminoma hysterectomy may not be required in some cases considering the opportunity for childbearing with the use of embryo transfer.
