Revista Geonorte (May 2017)
Alguns apontamentos das práticas espaciais ao longo da BR-163 (Santarém-Cuiabá)
The Brazilian government’s projects for the Amazon regarding the physical infrastructure of circulation in the 21st century, aim at the completion of constructed geographic objects that do not offer satisfactory conditions of continuous trafficability. One of these questions is about the paving of the BR-163 highway, connecting the cities of Santarém (state of Pará) and Cuiabá (state of Mato Grosso). The implementation and development of such projects substantially change the geographical area due to the construction of other objects associated with the highway, which will provide transport vehicles flows of midwestern and northern Brazil grain productions through the Amazon River, establishing the holding practices for national and international corporations that are inserting on the highway route a complex of grain harbors.