Vehicles (Nov 2024)
Required Field of View of a Sensor for an Advanced Driving Assistance System to Prevent Heavy-Goods-Vehicle to Bicycle Accidents
Accidents involving cyclists and trucks are among the most severe road accidents. In 2021, 199 cyclists were killed in accidents involving a truck in the EU. The main accident situation is a truck turning right and a cyclist going straight ahead. A large proportion of these accidents are caused by the inadequate visibility in an HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle). The blind spot, in particular, is a significant contributor to these accidents. A BSD (Blind Spot Detection) system is expected to significantly reduce these accidents. There are only a few studies that estimate the potential of assistance systems, and these studies include a combined assessment of cyclists and pedestrians. In the present study, accident simulations are used to assess a warning and an autonomously intervening assistance system that could prevent truck to cyclist accidents. The main challenges are local sight obstructions such as fences, hedges, etc., rule violations by cyclists, and the complexity of correctly predicting the cyclist’s intentions, i.e., detecting the trajectory. Taking these accident circumstances into consideration, a BSD system could prevent between 26.3% and 65.8% of accidents involving HGVs and cyclists.