Indian Journal of Public Health (Jan 2022)
Experiences and challenges during implementation of operational guidelines of Maternal Near Miss Review of the Government of India at tertiary hospitals in Maharashtra
The Government of India released operational guidelines for Maternal Near Miss-Review (MNM-R) in December 2014 for implementation at all the tertiary hospitals in India. An implementation research study was conducted at two selected tertiary hospitals in Maharashtra to assess the feasibility of implementation of the MNM-R guidelines at these hospitals and document the experiences and challenges during this process. The study findings suggest that for implementation of MNMR guidelines at these tertiary hospitals, there is need of dedicated staff; revision of MNM facility based form and critical review of the criteria for identification of MNM cases. MNM meetings could not be conducted with Maternal Death Review Committee meetings as mentioned in the guidelines. More efforts are needed for follow-up of the implementation of the corrective measures recommended by the MNM Committee. The study findings indicate that it is feasible to implement the MNM-R guidelines at the tertiary hospitals, if the above points are considered at these hospitals.