Applied Sciences (Mar 2023)
An Analytical Study on Penetration and Pore Pressure Dissipation of Piezocone Test in Typical Normally and Over-Consolidated Silty Clays
The degree of the over-consolidation ratio (OCR) of silty clay affects the soil’s mechanical properties and in situ test results. The present study utilized numerical analysis to investigate the behavior of cone penetration and pore pressure dissipation in typical silty clay soils, while also taking into account the impact of the over-consolidation ratio (OCR). Effective stress finite-element analyses, which accounted for considerable deformation, were carried out at various OCRs. The model assumed the soil as a homogeneous material obeying the modified Cam Clay (MCC) model. The significant advance of this work is the evaluation of the effect of OCR on penetration resistance and pore pressure test data and the calculation formula of OCR and ch in typical silty clay. An inversion method based on the results of piezocone penetration tests was proposed in terms of strength and the over-consolidation ratio of the silty clay, which is of great importance for the inversion of soil parameters in the Yellow River Delta region. This paper presents a consolidation coefficient inversion method of typical normally and over-consolidated silty clays and corrected the disadvantage that traditional conversion methods could not take OCR effects into account.