Jurnal Anestesi Obstetri Indonesia (May 2020)
Serial Kasus: Manajemen Anestesi pada Wanita Hamil dengan Plasenta Akreta yang Direncanakan Tindakan Seksio Sesarea
Perdarahan postpartum merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian ibu selain penyakit kardiovaskuler. Diantara penyebab perdarahan post partum adalah plasenta akreta dimana insidennya semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah persalinan dengan seksio sesarea. Kami laporkan dua kasus ibu hamil dengan plasenta akreta yang direncanakan tindakan seksio sesarea emergency yang dikelola dengan general anesthesia rapid sequence induction. Kasus pertama, perempuan berusia 31 tahun G3P1A1 usia kehamilan 36–37 minggu dalam persalinan, perdarahan antepartum ec plasenta previa totalis, plasenta akreta dengan hemodinamik stabil. Intraoperatif, perdarahan sekitar 7000 cc, dan diberikan transfusi 8 unit PRC, 4 unit WB, 4 unit FFP, dan 4 unit Tc. Pascaoperasi pasien dirawat di ICU, dan komplikasi yang terjadi produk drain abdomen sekitar 1900 cc bercampur darah. tidak ada komplikasi mayor lainnya, pasien pindah ruang rawat inap pada hari keempat pascaoperasi. Kasus kedua, perempuan berusia 40 tahun G3P2A0 usia kehamilan 37–38 minggu dalam persalinan, perdarahan antepartum ec plasenta previa totalis, plasenta akreta dengan hemodinamik stabil. Intraoperatif, perdarahan sekitar 9000 cc, dan dilakukan transfusi 8 unit PRC, 8 unit WB, 4 unit FFP, dan 4 unit Tc. Pascaoperasi pasien dirawat di ICU, dan. tidak ada komplikasi signifikan terjadi. Hari kedua pascaoperasi pasien pindah ke ruang rawat inap. Case Series: Anesthesia Management in Pregnant Woman with Placenta Accreta Planned for Caesarean Section Abstract Postpartum hemorrhage is one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity besides cardiovascular disease. Among the causes of postpartum hemorrhage is placenta accreta, where the incidence increases from year to year along with the increase in the number of cesarean delivery. We report two cases of pregnant women with placenta accreta planned for emergency cesarean section managed with general anesthesia rapid sequence induction. The first case, 31-year-old woman G3P1A1 36–37 weeks of gestation in labor, antepartum hemorrhage ec placenta previa totalis, placenta accreta with hemodynamically stable. During procedure, blood loss about 7000 cc, and given transfusion of 8 units of PRC, 4 units of WB, 4 units of FFP, and 4 units of Tc. In the end of procedure, the patient was transferred to intensive care unit, and complications that occurred around 1900 cc of abdominal drain product mixed with blood. After that, there were no other major complications, then the patient moved the ward on the fourth day. The second case, a 40-year-old woman G3P2A0 37–38 weeks of gestation in labor, antepartum hemorrhage ec placenta previa totalis, placenta accreta with hemodynamically stable. During procedure, blood loss about 9000 cc, and given transfusion of 8 units of PRC, 8 units of WB, 4 units of FFP, and 4 units of Tc. In the end of procedure, the patient was transferred to intensive care unit, and no significant complications happen. The second day after surgery the patient moved to the ward.