Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Philologia (Jun 2023)
Ioana-Andreea Mureșan, "The Quest for Identity in Norwegian- American Immigrant Narratives. Correspondences with the Romanian Immigrant Experience in America, Cluj-Napoca": Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2021, 296 p.
Migration is a natural phenomenon that has had a tremendous impact on humanity throughout world history and has become even more relevant in the last decades due to increasing mobility and changes at societal level that have brought multiculturalism to the forefront. The complexity of migration could greatly benefit from in-depth analyses that focus on its intricate implications, as well as on questions of belonging and identity, as revealed by migration literature. Narratives of displacement come to complete the socio-historical perspective on migration as they concentrate on individual experiences.