Бюллетень Почвенного института им. В.В. Докучаева (Oct 2023)
Influence of the biochar application on the thermal properties of soddy-podzolic soil and on the energy balance fluxes of spring wheat in the Leningrad region under various soil moisture conditions
The article presents the results of a field experiment to assess the effect of pre-sowing application of the biochar on the thermal properties of the arable horizon of soddy-podzolic sandy loam soil, on the energy balance components, on the crop surface temperature and on the leaves temperature of spring wheat (variety “Daria”) under various conditions of soil moisture in 2022. The experiment took place at the Menkovo Experimental Station of the Agrophysical Research Institute, located in the Gatchinsky District of the Leningrad Region. The experiment included the plot with the biochar application at the dose of 21.9 t ha-1 and the control plot. The soil thermal properties were measured by the heat pulse method. The components of the energy balance were determined using agrometeorological measurements, radiation balance measurements, crop surface temperature, and phenological measurements. The crop surface temperature was measured by a non-contact method using pyrometers. The soil moisture conditions and available water for wheat were characterized by volumetric soil moisture and evapotranspiration. The volumetric soil moisture was measured using a capacitive soil moisture sensor. The evapotranspiration was determined using the residual term of the energy balance equation through the latent heat flux. According to the results of field experiments, a significant effect (p < 0.05) of the biochar application on the soil thermal properties was found, however, under different moisture conditions, the effect was multidirectional. At zero soil moisture, the biochar application reduced thermal conductivity by 29.7%, reduced volumetric heat capacity by 18.5%, reduced diffusivity by 13.7%, and reduced thermal inertia by 24.3%. Under the conditions of field capacity, the biochar application increased thermal conductivity by 9.4%, reduced volumetric heat capacity by 2.6%, increased diffusivity by 12.3%, and increased thermal inertia by 3.2%. The biochar application significantly (p < 0.05) increased the turbulent heat flux – by 35.5%, which is due to an increase in the crop surface temperature (by 6.4%). Resulting from the decrease in soil evaporation, the biochar application reduced the latent heat flux by 17.0%, and the evapotranspiration by 13.9%. Leaf temperature is related to transpiration. Transpiration can increase when biochar is applied on light-textured soils due to an increase in soil water capacity. The biochar application did not result in significant changes of leaf temperature. The study results are confirmed by numerous articles of both foreign and Russian researchers.