Self-protection strategies and health behaviour in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic: results and predictors in more than 12 000 patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases followed in the Danish DANBIO registry
Bente Glintborg,
Merete Lund Hetland,
Anne Gitte Loft,
Oliver Hendricks,
Kamilla Danebod,
Dorte Vendelbo Jensen,
Niels Steen Krogh,
Lene Terslev,
Mikkel Østergaard,
Jens Kristian Pedersen,
Sara Engel,
Mogens Pfeiffer Jensen,
Simon Horskjær Rasmussen,
Thomas Adelsten,
Ada Colic,
Malene Kildemand,
Heidi Lausten Munk,
René Drage Østgård,
Christian Møller Sørensen,
Jette Agerbo,
Connie Ziegler
Bente Glintborg
Copenhagen Center for Arthritis Research (COPECARE), Center for Rheumatology and Spine Diseases, Centre for Head and Orthopedics, Rigshospitalet Glostrup, Glostrup, Denmark
Merete Lund Hetland
5 Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark
Anne Gitte Loft
Department of Rheumatology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Oliver Hendricks
3Rheumatology and Radiology departments at hospitals at Zealand, Jutland and Funen, Copenhagen, Slagelse, Aarhus, Silkeborg, Odense, Hjørring and Graasten, Denmark
Kamilla Danebod
12 Department of Rheumatology, Center for Rheumatology and Spine Diseases, Centre of Head and Orthopedics, Rigshospitalet, Glostrup, Denmark
Dorte Vendelbo Jensen
5 Department of Rheumatology, Gentofte and Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital, Gentofte, Denmark
Niels Steen Krogh
EurSA Research Collaboration, on behalf of DANBIO (Denmark), ARTIS (Sweden), SCQM (Switzerland), NOR-DMARD (Norway), ATTRA (Czech Republic), (Portugal), BIOBADASER (Spain), ROB-FIN (Finland), (Slovenia), ICEBIO (Iceland), TURKBIO (Turkey), RRBR (Romania), ARC (Netherlands), BSRBR-AS (UK), GISEA (Italy), Denmark
Lene Terslev
1Rigshospitalet-Glostrup, Center for Rheumatology and Spine Diseases, Copenhagen, Denmark
Mikkel Østergaard
5 Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark
Jens Kristian Pedersen
Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Kobenhavn, Denmark
Simon Horskjær Rasmussen
Copenhagen Center for Arthritis Research (COPECARE), Center for Rheumatology and Spine Diseases, Centre for Head and Orthopedics, Rigshospitalet Glostrup, Glostrup, Denmark
Thomas Adelsten
Department of Rheumatology, Sjællands Universitetshospital Køge, Koge, Sjælland, Denmark
Ada Colic
16 Department of Rheumatology, Zealand University Hospital, Køge, Denmark
Malene Kildemand
Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark
Heidi Lausten Munk
Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark
René Drage Østgård
Diagnostic center, Silkeborg Regional Hospital, Silkeborg, Midtjylland, Denmark
Christian Møller Sørensen
Department of Medicine, Regional Hospital Horsens, Horsens, Midtjylland, Denmark
Aims In Danish patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases to explore self-protection strategies and health behaviour including adherence to disease-modifying antirheumatic treatment (DMARD) during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and again after the reopening of the society started. Furthermore, to identify characteristics of patients with high levels of anxiety and self-isolation.Methods Patients in routine care followed prospectively in the nationwide DANBIO registry were invited to answer an online questionnaire regarding disease activity and COVID-19 infection, behaviour in March and June 2020. Responses were linked to patient data in DANBIO. Characteristics potentially associated with anxiety, self-isolation and medication adherence (gender/age/diagnosis/education/work status/comorbidity/DMARD/smoking/EQ-5D/disease activity) were explored with multivariable logistic regression analyses.Results We included 12 789 patients (8168 rheumatoid arthritis/2068 psoriatic arthritis/1758 axial spondyloarthritis/795 other) of whom 65% were women and 36% treated with biological DMARD. Self-reported COVID-19 prevalence was 0.3%. Patients reported that they were worried to get COVID-19 infection (March/June: 70%/45%) and self-isolated more than others of the same age (48%/38%). The fraction of patients who changed medication due to fear of COVID-19 were 4.1%/0.6%. Female gender, comorbidities, not working, lower education, biological treatment and poor European Quality of life, 5 dimensions were associated with both anxiety and self-isolation.Conclusion In >12 000 patients with inflammatory arthritis, we found widespread anxiety and self-isolation, but high medication adherence, in the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. This persisted during the gradual opening of society during the following months. Attention to patients’ anxiety and self-isolation is important during this and potential future epidemics.