Terr@ Plural (Dec 2022)

Fossil Invertebrate Taphonomy of the Devonian in the state of Paraná: Contributions to the Studies on Hydrocarbon Potential Linked to the Folhelho Project (LAGESED-UFRJ)

  • Gabrieli Goltz,
  • Elvio Pinto Bosetti ,
  • Lucinei José Myszynski Junior ,
  • Leonardo Borghi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16
p. e2221225


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The shales are a recent frontier of studies in Sedimentary Geology, stimulated by the new exploratory panorama of Shale Gas, despite being the sealant of many petroleum systems. However, Brazil has not kept up with this evolution. The generation of natural gas associated with paleontological studies is unprecedented and fundamental for determining the real regional potentialities in a process of advancing scientific and technological knowledge in this field of studies in Brazil. Taphonomic studies of fossil macrofauna and ichnology are integrated with sedimentological data, expanding the capacity for paleoenvironmental interpretation of the sedimentary facies. Samples from three different outcrops in the vicinity of Arapoti, Ventania and Piraí do Sul in the state of Paraná were analyzed. Thus, during the analyses of the fossil material, two tafofacies and three ichnofacies were identified: Skolithos, archetypal and distal Cruziana. The paleontological analyses proposed here provided support for the biostratigraphic correlations, paleoenvironmental and paleoecological interpretations of the outcrops prospected, helping to evaluate the quality of the shales of the Ponta Grossa Formation from the point of view of hydrocarbon generation.
