Науковий вісник Мукачівського державного університету. Серія "Педагогіка та психологія" (Mar 2021)
Pedagogical Theory and Personality Development of Medical University Students During Distance Learning
Pedagogical theory is one of the criteria for personality development. It is particularly relevant during the period of distance learning through self-fulfilment, self-education and self-evaluation of medical university students. The purpose of the study was to analyse the development of personality and establish the role of pedagogical theory in the development of the personality of a medical student. The purpose was based on four stages of methodological justification, among which the 4 stage is the exposition of the concept of personality and its features; the second stage is the analysis of pedagogical theory and its significance in the upbringing of a medical student; the third stage of the study is the assessment of the role of distance learning, its positive aspects and shortcomings; the fourth stage is the connection of pedagogical theory with distance learning and their impact on the development of personality among medical students. The article assesses the impact of pedagogical education on the development of a medical student’s personality during distance learning. The study substantiated the considerable contribution of pedagogical theory (education and mastery) to the medical student’s personality development during distance learning. It was established that throughout the educational process, a medical student receives an education by studying the topics, thereby acquiring personal and scientific development. The study found that pedagogical education ensures comprehensive development, self-improvement, proper selfassessment, and self-education, which are essential for the achievement of the desired goals and personal development in society. The authors have determined that during distance learning, a medical student better understands their role in society and in the choice of education, which helps them quickly and correctly form themselves as a “person”. The correct approach of the teacher speeds up the development process