Ikastorratza.e-Revista de Didáctica (Sep 2021)
Juan Kruz Igerabideren haur poesia: Botoi bat bezala (1999). Irudia eta Haikua
In this article, we reviewed the book Botoi bat bezala by Juan Kruz Igerabide. After placing it in its historical context, the study examines the relation it holds with Japanese poetry. The primary objective of this article is to examine the importance of Haiku on the poetry of Igerabide. To achieve this objective, different elements of haiku have been mentioned as well as placed how appeared in the bokk: kigo, atarashimi, toriawase, ellipsis, interactions in farewell or in conversation and the inter-cooperation on the moment of the creation. As secondary objective the importance of image is also mentioned, as well as the understanding of the act of giving birth and death from the point of view of a child. Finally, we have specially considered the structure of the themes across the book.