Logi (May 2019)
Exploring the Connections between Land Use and Transportation: A Case Study of Shaheb Bazar to Rail Gate Road, Rajshahi City
Land use-transportation comprehensive planning has become an increasingly common technique in regional and sub-regional planning processes. Since land use management strategies act as an effective tool to achieve transportation planning objectives, it is important to identify the relationship between land use pattern and travel behaviour. This study examined the relationship between transportation and land use in Rajshahi city. Rajshahi is a major urban, commercial and educational centre of Bangladesh. In Rajshahi, Shaheb bazaar zero points to New Market road is one of the most important roads. After construction of this road in 2013 intense development has taken place beside it. To identify this primary relationship data has been collected from different types of field survey. Then the impact of land use and transportation has been determined by comparing with the previous database. The findings of the study show that there exist a reciprocal relationship between land use and transportation system and the impacts on both. The study also notes that the impact of transportation on land use is more than the impact of land use on transportation. The study will help to control the haphazard growth and traffic congestion of the concerned area in the future.