Archives of Metallurgy and Materials (Jun 2016)
Manufacturing of Porous Ceramic Preforms Based on Halloysite Nanotubes (Hnts)
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of manufacturing conditions on the structure and properties of porous halloysite preforms, which during pressure infiltration were soaked with a liquid alloy to obtain a metal matrix composite reinforced by ceramic, and also to find innovative possibilities for the application of mineral nanotubes obtained from halloysite. The method of manufacturing porous ceramic preforms (based on halloysite nanotubes) as semi-finished products that are applicable to modern infiltrated metal matrix composites was shown. The ceramic preforms were manufactured by sintering of halloysite nanotubes (HNT), Natural Nano Company (USA), with the addition of pores and canals forming agent in the form of carbon fibres (Sigrafil C10 M250 UNS SGL Group, the Carbon Company). The resulting porous ceramic skeletons, suggest innovative application capabilities mineral nanotubes obtained from halloysite.