Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Jan 2013)

Bilateral Ectopic Hypoplastic Uteri Attached to Bilateral Pelvic Sidewalls in a 21-Year-Old Patient with Primary Amenorrhea: The First Published Report

  • Ahmed Nazer,
  • Ahmed Abu-Zaid,
  • Osama AlOmar,
  • Hany Salem,
  • Ayman Azzam,
  • Ismail A. Al-Badawi

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Vol. 2013


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Müllerian duct anomalies (MDAs) encompass a group of anatomical malformations resulting from defective development, fusion, migration, or resorption of Müllerian (paramesonephric) ducts during embryonic life. Herein, we report the first case of an exceedingly uncommon MDA (bilateral ectopic hypoplastic uteri attached to bilateral pelvic sidewalls) in a 21-year-old woman who was referred to our tertiary care center as a case of primary amenorrhea for workup and further management.