Acta Psychologica (Feb 2024)
The differential influence of self-construal on the effect of self-efficacy on the help-seeking process: A quasi-experimental online study among people with untreated depressive symptoms
Background: Despite available professional healthcare, people often delay or avoid help-seeking. Understanding the underlying reasons is crucial and research has explored the role of self-efficacy in this context. Additionally, studies have highlighted the significance of culturally influenced self-construals in individuals' health behaviour. There seems to be a relationship between self-efficacy and self-construal.The aim of the study is to explore the influence of self-efficacy on help-seeking, considering self-construal as a moderator. Differential experiences of self-efficacy and varying associations among help-seeking variables based on self-construal are posited. Methods: A quasi-experimental online study is conducted with a baseline assessment, including self-efficacy interventions, and follow-ups at three and six months. Self-construal groups are compared, i.e., independent vs. interdependent individuals. A series of multi-group path analyses are conducted to examine potential variations in the interventional effects and among the help-seeking variables respective of help-seeking instance, i.e. professional mental health care or informal care. Self-construal functions as the global moderator. Results: The study included N = 1′368 participants, 65.6 % identifying as female and an average age of 42.38 (SD = 15.22). More independent compared to more interdependent individuals were older, more frequently identified as male, had higher socioeconomic status, fewer depressive symptoms, and greater self-efficacy. Multi-group path analyses for professional mental health care (CFI = 0.992, RMSEA = 0.018, SRMR = 0.004) and informal help (CFI = 0.999, RMSEA = 0.004, SRMR = 0.006) demonstrated excellent model fits. The analysis for informal help was interpretable, as the unconstrained model had a significantly better fit than the constrained model. There were varying associations among help-seeking variables based on self-construals. The intervention effect was differential, with independent participants benefiting significantly (β = 0.203), while the effect was non-significant for interdependent participants. Discussion: The study's findings, strengths, and limitations are discussed in relation to current research. Results indicate differential experiences of self-efficacy interventions based on individuals' self-construal. Moreover, varying associations among help-seeking variables suggest self-construal-based differences in their interrelationships. These findings highlight the importance of considering self-construal in health related research.