Remote Sensing (Nov 2021)
Assessment of Multi-Frequency PPP Ambiguity Resolution Using Galileo and BeiDou-3 Signals
From network RTK to PPP-RTK, it is highly expected that high-precision positioning within a few minutes can be achieved with a sparse reference network. In this study, we investigate a rapid multi-frequency PPP convergence strategy based on Galileo E1/E5a/E6 and BeiDou-3 B1C/B2a/B3I signals, whose unambiguous wide-lane observables can efficiently assist in speeding up narrow-lane ambiguity resolution. Furthermore, frequency-specific biases existing on the third-frequency observables have been observed to slow down multi-frequency PPP-AR convergence. In this study, we partially mitigated their effects by estimating a second satellite clock for the third frequency of signals. We validated this approach with one month of data collected from 22 stations. On average, it took about 18 min for PPP wide-lane ambiguity resolution (PPP-WAR) to converge, while 32 min were required for ambiguity-float PPP. Compared with dual-frequency PPP-AR, which needed nearly 12 min to converge, multi-frequency PPP-AR required 6 min only. Once there were more than 10 satellites involved in PPP, the convergence could be achieved within 3 min on average. Meanwhile, 81% and 62% of multi-frequency PPP-AR solutions converged successfully within 5 and 1 min, respectively. Finally, we carried out a vehicle-borne experiment to validate this approach in a kinematic environment. Owing to frequent cycle slips during the movement of vehicle, it took 14 min for B1C/B2a/B3I and E1/E5a/E6 PPP-AR to obtain reliable positions, and 19 min for those using the other signal combinations B1C/B2a/B2b and E1/E5a/E5b, owning to higher noise. Overall, these results are promising for achieving high-precision PPP positioning globally within a few minutes if multi-frequency biases can be handled well in the data processing.