Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas (Mar 2008)
Evaluación toxicológica de la L-Glutamina Toxicological evaluation of L-Glutamin
Se ha estudiado las propiedades antidrepanocítica de la L-glutamina como complemento en el tratamiento de la anemia drepanocítica, enfermedad muy frecuente en el mundo para la que aún no existe tratamiento efectivo. En el presente trabajo se realizó un estudio de actividad hemolítica de la L-Glutamina sobre eritrocitos normales y SS mediante la determinación del por ciento de hemólisis a relaciones molares hemoglobina: L-glutamina (1:1, 1:4, 1:8 y 1:10) empleando una técnica espectrofotométrica; se realizó además un test de clasificación toxicológica según la guía de la Organización para el Desarrollo y cooperación Económica (OECD) a la dosis de 2000 mg/kg en ratas wistar (3 hembras y 3 machos); se les administró el vehículo a otro grupo empleado como control. Se buscó la presencia o no de síntomas y signos clínicos, las variaciones de peso de los animales antes y después del tratamiento y se realizó la necropsia al finalizar el test. En el estudio de la actividad hemolítica no se encontraron diferencias significativas (p The antidrepanocytic properties of L-glutamine as a complement in the treatment of drepanocytic anemia, a very common disease in the world for which there is no effective treatment yet, were studied. A study of the hemolytic activity of L- Glutamine on normal erythrocytes and SS was conducted by the determination of the percent of hemolysis at molar ratios of haemoglobin to L-glutamine (1:1, 1:4, 1:8 and 1:10 ) by using a spectrophotometric technique. A test of toxicological classification was also made according to the guide of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) at a dose of 2000 mg/kg in Wistar rats (3 females and 3 males). The vehicle was administered to other group used as control. The presence or not of symptoms, clinical signs, and variations of weight of the animals before and after treatment were searched. Necropsy was performed at the end of the test. In the study of hemolytic activity, no significant differences (p < 0.05) were found among the means of every molar ratio in any type of cells, so there was no dependence between hemolysis and concentration. No statistically marked differences (p < 0.05) were found in the hemolysis between normal cells and SS. In the classification test, neither symptoms nor signs of toxicity were observed at the dose used. No pathological alterations were detected in the macroscopic analysis of the organs, and there were no weight variations between the experimental and the control group. Therefore, L-Glutamine according to the guide of the OECD is a Non Classifiable Substance.