International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances (Dec 2023)
Priority measures to prevent infections and maintain residents’ well-being during COVID-19 outbreaks in nursing homes: Consensus among staff and resident representatives determined in an online nominal group technique study
Background: COVID-19 infection prevention measures can negatively impact nursing home residents’ well-being. Society has been concerned about the imbalance between infection prevention and residents’ well-being, and about nursing home residents’ autonomy in COVID-19 policymaking. Objective: This study explores consensus among nursing home staff about which measures they found to be most important in contributing to preventing infections and to maintaining well-being of residents during COVID-19 outbreaks. In addition, this study explores the decision-making processes regarding COVID-19 measures and the involvement of residents or their representatives. Design: Mixed methods based on an online nominal group technique. Setting(s): Dutch nursing homes, June–November 2020. Participants: Managers, policy advisors, elderly care physicians, psychologists, a spiritual counselor, nurses, care assistants, and resident representatives (N = 35). Methods: Four panels from the viewpoint of infection prevention, and four panels from the viewpoint of well-being were performed with 3 to 7 participants per panel. Participants individually selected the measure they found most important, discussed these measures together in an online conversation, and rated the importance and urgency of these measures during COVID-19 outbreaks on a 5-point Likert scale. The measures that were rated as (very) important and (very) urgent by all members of that panel were defined as ‘prioritized in consensus’. Panels also discussed the decision-making process regarding COVID-19 measures and the involvement of residents or their representatives. These conversations were transcribed verbatim and thematically coded using an inductive approach. Results: The infection prevention panels prioritized isolation measures; testing measures; testing and isolation combinations; use of personal protective equipment around (suspected) infected residents; and preparation for outbreaks by COVID-19 outbreak teams. The well-being panels prioritized cohort isolation, testing combined with cohort isolation and with isolation in residents’ rooms, exceptions to visitor bans, maximum numbers of visitors, and registration and accompanying visitors to the residents’ rooms. Resident representatives and staff were dissatisfied with their reduced involvement in policy making during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, although they understood that decisions had to be made quickly. Conclusions: Staff and resident representatives should be involved in COVID-19 policy making. According to them, priority COVID-19 measures should include: cohort isolation, testing and isolation combinations, use of personal protective equipment, crisis management by COVID-19 outbreak teams, and nursing home visit regulations and instruction of visitors. Combining these measures may be a first step towards packages of COVID-19 measures that better balance infection prevention and maintaining residents’ well-being. Registration: N/A Tweetable abstract: Priority COVID-19 nursing home measures are isolation, testing, testing and isolation combinations, PPE use, preparations by outbreak teams, and visit regulations @wilcoachterberg