Ricerca Psicoanalitica (Aug 2024)
Soggetti che si amano. La vita della coppia dal miele dell’amore romantico all’acido del calo del desiderio e oltre
Soggetti che si amano. La vita della coppia dal miele dell’amore romantico all’acido del calo del desiderio e oltre is the latest book publishedby Giuseppe D'Amore (Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Psychoanalyst, MemberOrdinary of the Italian Society of Relationship Psychoanalysis). Released at the beginning of 2023, it represents at least in part the ideal continuation of the previous volume by the same author, 'Subjects that meet.From the relationship with others to the relationship with oneself... and vice versa',printed in 2021 also with the same publisher and whose review was published in No. 3, Year XXXIII, 2022 of Ricerca Psicoanalitica(pp. 637-641). [...]