Physical Review X (May 2022)

Mode Interference Effect in Optical Emission of Quantum Dots in Photonic Crystal Cavities

  • A. Lyasota,
  • C. Jarlov,
  • M. Nyman,
  • A. Miranda,
  • M. Calic,
  • B. Dwir,
  • A. Rudra,
  • A. Shevchenko,
  • E. Kapon

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 2
p. 021042


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Radiation properties of a pointlike source of light, such as a molecule or a semiconductor quantum dot, can be tailored by modifying its photonic environment. This phenomenon lies at the core of cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED). Quantum dots in photonic crystal microcavities have served as a model system for exploring the CQED effects and for the realization of efficient single-photon quantum emitters. Recently, it has been suggested that quantum interference of the exciton recombination paths through the cavity and free-space modes can significantly modify the radiation. In this work, we report an unambiguous experimental observation of this fundamental effect in the emission spectra of site-controlled quantum dots positioned at prescribed locations within a photonic crystal cavity. The observed asymmetry in the polarization-resolved emission spectra strongly depends on the quantum dot position, which is confirmed by both analytical and numerical calculations. We perform quantum interferometry in the near-field zone of the radiation, retrieving the overlap and the position-dependent relative phase between the interfering free-space and cavity-mode-mediated radiative decays. The observed phenomenon is of importance for realization of photonic-crystal light emitters with near unity quantum efficiency. Our results suggest that the full description of light-matter interaction in the framework of CQED requires a modification of the conventional quantum master equation by also considering the radiation mode interference.