Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil (Jan 2024)
Trends and spatial distribution of hepatitis B in pregnant women in Brazil
Abstract Objectives: to analyze the trend and spatial distribution of hepatitis B in pregnant women in Brazil. Methods: ecological study based on all notified cases of hepatitis B in pregnant women through the Information System for Notifiable Diseases – Sinan between 2009 and 2018. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) detection rates were calculated in all municipalities. Spatial analysis was performed using the Global Moran Index for global data and local indicators of spatial association (Lisa) for the 5,570 municipalities. For trend analysis by State, the Prais-Winsten generalized linear regression model was used. Results: 15,253 pregnant women with HBV were reported. High detection rates were observed in the municipalities of São Miguel da Boa Vista-SC (68.96/1000 live births (LB)), Araguaiana-MT (68.18/1000 LB), Reserva do Cabaçal-MT (80, 00/1,000 LB), São Geraldo da Piedade-MG (75/1000 LB), Porto Mauá-RS (111, 11/1000 LB), in the respective bienniums. Moran (I) (I=0.056) showed a positive spatial association. In Lisa, 78 municipalities were included in the high-high cluster, 51.28% in the South region and 48 in the low-low cluster with 72.91% in the Southeast. There was an increasing trend in Maranhão (p=0.004) and Pernambuco (p=0.007) and a decrease in Mato Grosso (p=0.012), Paraná (p=0.031) and Santa Catarina (p=0.008). Conclusion: the detection of hepatitis B in pregnant women was observed in most Brazilian municipalities, with an increasing trend in two states and a decrease in three others.