International Journal of Qualitative Methods (Aug 2022)
It’s not the Destination it’s the Journey: Lessons From a Longitudinal ‘Mixed’ Mixed-Methods Study Among Female informal Workers in South Africa
Longitudinal qualitative methodologies have gained increased attention in health and social science research as an appropriate methodology to explore participants’ experiences of change over time but is a challenging methodology to implement. We reflect on the methodological aspects of a novel longitudinal ‘mixed’ mixed-methods study using quantitative and qualitative methods with both individuals and groups, employing various participatory approaches. We focus on key learnings from our study including the use of a structured recruitment process to minimise loss to follow up, and issues of reflexivity when researchers and participants have a similar background. In addition, like many large mixed-methods longitudinal studies we experienced challenges determining sample size and managing and analysing a large dataset. There is a need for establishing clear guidelines for determining sample size, addressing reflexivity and managing large datasets. The lessons learned from this study will add rigour to the literature on conducting mixed-methods longitudinal studies.