Fontes Linguae Vasconum (Dec 2014)

Artzibarko aldaera deitu izanaren inguruan (eta 9 – Aditzaz zerbait Elkanoko aldaerarekiko erkaketan)

  • Koldo Artola

Journal volume & issue
no. 118
pp. 393 – 435


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Lan honen izenburu generikoarekin zerikusia duten saio hauei bukaera emateko, azken honetan aditzaren gaia ukitu dugu, eta egin egin dugu ez bakarrik indikatibo, ahalera, subjuntibo eta agintera deritzen moduei dagozkien adizkiak ekarriz, zenbait aditzen era sintetikoak ere bai baizik, guztiak ere Artzibarko eta Elkanoko aldaerei egokituak, eta, jakina, behin ezagutuz gero, haien artean erkatzeko adinakoak izan ditugun neurrian. Urraulgoitiko Adoain herrixkako erak, gainerakoetatik ezberdintzen dira maiz, datu-ekarlea zenbait urtetan Lapurdi aldean egoniko fraide predikariak, bere eskuizkribuetan, eskualde honetako mintzamoldearen eragina agerian utzi zuenez. Hala eta guztiz ere, datuok ekarri eta gainerakoen ondoan aurkeztu nahi izan ditugu, hauekiko zein neurritan datozen bat eta zeinetan ez ikusteko. In order to conclude these essays –which are related to the present work's generic title– we have dealt in this last essay not only with indicative, subjunctive, imperative and potential verb forms but with certain synthetic verb forms as well. Such forms correspond to the Artzibar and Elkano varieties, and they are analyzed –as long as they are known to us– to the extent that they are useful for comparison. The forms that belong to the variety spoken in the small Adoain village found in Urralgoiti/Urraul Alto valley diverge more often than the rest, the reason for this being that said forms have been influenced by the one responsible for their transmission. Said person is a Cappuchin fray that lived and preached in Lapurdi for a number of years and who exhibits influence from the Lapurdi variety in his manuscripts. In spite of this our wish has been to bring forth and present these data together with the rest that are discussed in this paper, in order to establish comparisons (with regard to the overlap between the former and the latter).
