Turkish Journal of Plastic Surgery (Mar 2016)
A Forgotten Disease “Leprae” and Limb Lesions
Leprae, which is a forgotten infectious disease, presents with primary findings of skin lesions and peripheral nerve lesions. Neuropathic ulcers are frequently found and may cause deformities, particularly in the extremities. It should not be forgotten that malignant tumors seen on the floor of chronic ulcers can also be seen on the floor of neuropathic ulcers depending on leprae. In our study, a 61-year-old male patient with an ulcerated and unhealed lesion in the volar surface of the second finger of his right hand that existed for approximately 6 months is presented. Although leprae is not common these days, early defect repairs will prevent osteomyelitis and sequelae of amputation, depending on the malignancy in these patients.