Data providing detailed county level information for eWIC rollout in Ohio
Andrew S. Hanks,
Carolyn Gunther,
Dean Lillard,
Robert Scharff
Andrew S. Hanks
Department of Human Sciences, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University, USA; Corresponding author.
Carolyn Gunther
Department of Human Sciences, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University, USA
Dean Lillard
Department of Human Sciences, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University, USA; Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung – Berlin (DIW-Berlin), National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, USA
Robert Scharff
Department of Human Sciences, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University, USA
By October 2020, states across the nation must deliver benefits for the WIC program via electronic benefits transfer, also referred to as eWIC. The state of Ohio made the transition from 2014 to 2015 and staggered implementation across counties. In this article, we present county-level data on the specific dates Ohio counties changed to eWIC. We also present detailed demographic data for the counties included in each roll-out date.