Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University (Jan 2012)
SHORT COMMUNICATION: Reduction of Spirometric Lung Function Tests in Habitually Smoking Healthy Young Adults: Its Correlation with Pack Years
Background: Adolescent smoking and the subsequent health problems are a major concern today. However there are very few studies done on spirometric lung functions and its relation with pack years in young adult habitual smokers who are apparently healthy. Aims and Objectives: The present study is undertaken to assess the change in lung functions in apparently healthy young adult habitual smokers compared to their age matched controls. Materials and Methods: A random sample of apparently healthy young adult habitual smokers (n=40) and nonsmokers (n=40) between age group17-35 years with history suggesting of pack years of 2-10 years were selected from students & employees of B.L.D.E.Us Sri B.M. Patil Medical College,Hospital & Research Centre Bijapur (Karnataka), India. Spirometric lung functions recorded were forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), FEV1%, Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and Maximal expiratory pressure (MEP). Results: The results suggested that inapparently healthy habitual smokers there was significant decrease in FEV1 (L) (-13.34%, p<0.001), FEV1 % (-10.76%, p<0.001), PEFR (-45.26%, p<0.0001) and MEP (-35.51%, p<0.0001) compared to nonsmokers and decrease in FEV1 was negatively correlated withpack years in smokers (r2=0.063, p=0.001). Reduced lung functions and negative correlation to pack years may be attributed todecreased airway diameter & reflex broncho- constriction in response to inhaled smoke particles. Conclusions: In conclusion young adulthabitual smokers who were apparently healthy are more prone for respiratory dysfunction than their nonsmoker counterparts. FEV1 reduction in relation to pack years acts as an important determinant for detecting lung dysfunction in the early stage of the disease. As the risk of having smoking related diseases depends mainly on number of pack years, it is suggested that quitting smoking earliest helps to get greatest health benefits in apparently healthy young adult habitual smokers.