Resital: Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan (Dec 2012)
Proses Kreatif Teater Garasi Yogyakarta Dalam Lakon Waktu Batu
Tujuan penelitian ini memahami konsep dan proses kreatif Teater Garasi Yogyakarta (TGY). TGY merupakan salah satu kelompok teater kontemporer Indonesia yang cukup fenomenal. Puluhan karya TGY telah disajikan dihadapan penonton baik di tingkat lokal maupun nasional. Penelitian difokuskan pada faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi situasi kondusif bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kelompok TGY. Teori kreativitas, perbandingan seni, semiotika dan manajemen seni digunakan untuk membedah permasalahan yang diajukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa TGY berada dalam lingkungan perteateran Yogyakarta yang syarat dengan teater tradisional melakukan ‘pemberontakan’ artistik. Sebagai organisasi seni teater kontemporer, TGY memiliki visi dan misi yang jelas. Melalui ‘laboratorium penciptaan teater’ TGY mampu menghasilkan satu maha karya pertunjukan lakon Waktu Batu (WB). Pertunjukan lakon WB terdiri tiga sub judul: ‘Waktu Batu 1, Kisah-kisah yang Bertemu di Ruang Tunggu’; ‘Waktu Batu 2, Ritus Seratus Kecemasan dan Wajah Siapa yang Terbelah’; dan ‘Waktu Batu 3, Deus ex Machina dan Perasaan-perasaan Padamu’. Karya ini inspiratif karena memakan waktu empat tahun proses kreatifnya, digerakkan oleh insan-insan muda dan dipentaskan road show di berbagai kota di Indonesia dan Singapura. Kata kunci: Teater Garasi, kesenian Yogyakarta, Waktu Batu. ABSTRACT The Creative Process of Garasi Theater Yogyakarta for the Story of Waktu Batu. The aims of this research is to understand the creative concept and process of Garasi Theater Yogyakarta. It is one of the phenomenal Indonesian contemporary groups of theater. Some of its works have already been performed in front of local and national audiences as well. This research mainly focuses on the internal and external factors which have influnced the condusive situation towards the development and popularity of Garasi Theater Yogyakarta. In order to solve the problems formulated in the research, the theory of creativity and the comparison between semiotic and management arts were actively used. The result of the research showed that Garasi Theater Yogyakarta has a traditional characteristic developed in a theater community of Yogyakarta and soon afterwards it has carried out such an artistic rebellion. The Garasi Theater Yogyakarta is as a group of contemporary theatre which has very clear vision and mission. By doing the creative work through a laboratory of theatrical production, Garasi Theater Yogyakarta was able to create a masterpiece of a performance entitled Waktu Batu. The performance of Waktu Batu consists of three sub-titles, namely: ‘Waktu Batu 1, Kisah-kisah yang Bertemu di Ruang Tunggu’; ‘Waktu Batu 2, Ritus Seratus Kecemasan dan Wajah Siapa yang Terbelah’; dan ‘Waktu Batu 3, Deus ex Machina dan Perasaan-perasaan Padamu’. This theatrical work can be said as an inspirative work in which it took four years in its creative process, had been activated by youngsters, and had been performed by means of a road-show program through some cities in Indonesia and Singapore. Keywords: Garasi Theater, Yogyakarta arts, Waktu Batu