Data in Brief (Jun 2016)
Synchronization of networks of chaotic oscillators: Structural and dynamical datasets
We provide the topological structure of a series of N=28 Rössler chaotic oscillators diffusively coupled through one of its variables. The dynamics of the y variable describing the evolution of the individual nodes of the network are given for a wide range of coupling strengths. Datasets capture the transition from the unsynchronized behavior to the synchronized one, as a function of the coupling strength between oscillators. The fact that both the underlying topology of the system and the dynamics of the nodes are given together makes this dataset a suitable candidate to evaluate the interplay between functional and structural networks and serve as a benchmark to quantify the ability of a given algorithm to extract the structural network of connections from the observation of the dynamics of the nodes. At the same time, it is possible to use the dataset to analyze the different dynamical properties (randomness, complexity, reproducibility, etc.) of an ensemble of oscillators as a function of the coupling strength. Keywords: Nonlinear dynamics, Complex networks, Synchronization