Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia (Sep 2023)

Gambaran Faktor Risiko Penderita Stroke dengan COVID-19 di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang

  • Musrizal Adli,
  • Restu Susanti,
  • Gusti Revilla,
  • Afriwardi Afriwardi,
  • Dedi Sutia,
  • Eldi Sauma

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 3
pp. 156 – 165


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Latar Belakang : Stroke merupakan penyakit dengan angka kematian tertinggi kedua di dunia. Pada massa pandemi COVID-19 berbagai temuan neurologis termasuk stroke ditemukan pada penderita COVID-19. Terjadinya stroke pada pasien COVID-19 dipicu keadaan hiperinflamasi dan hiperkoagulasi yang umum terjadi pada pasien COVID-19. Objektif : Mengetahui gambaran faktor risiko penderita stroke dengan COVID-19 di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang periode Maret 2020-Desember 2021. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional menggunakan data rekam medis pasien yang terdiagnosis stroke dengan COVID-19. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode total sampling. Analisis data secara univarian untuk mencari distribusi frekuensi dan bivariat menggunakan uji fisher exact untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor risiko dengan penyakit storke pada pasien COVID-19. Hasil : Hasil penelitian didapatkan 381 pasien stroke. Pasien stroke dengan COVID- 19 sebanyak 36 orang (9,4%). Stroke iskemik dengan COVID-19 sebanyak 26 orang (72,22%) dan stroke hemoragik dengan COVID-19 sebanyak 10 orang (27,78%). Kelompok usia terbanyak ≥65 tahun (47,2%) dan lebih banyak berjenis kelamin laki-laki (55,5%). Urutan faktor risiko mulai dari yang terbanyak yaitu hiperkoagulsi, hipertensi, diabetes melitus, dislipidemia, obesitas, dan riwayat penyakit jantung. Penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara hipertensi dengan terjadinya stroke dengan COVID-19. Kesimpulan : Frekuensi pasien stroke dengan COVID-19 sebesar (9,4%). Pasien umumnya mengalami gangguan koagulasi, ditandai dengan peningkatan nilai D-dimer. Pada penelitian ini terdapat hubungan antara faktor risiko hipertensi dengan kejadian stroke pada pasien COVID-19. Kata kunci: Faktor risiko, Stroke, Iskemik, Hemoragik, COVID-19 Background : Stroke is the sceond leading highest mortality rate in the world. During the COVID-19 pandemic, various neurological findings including stroke in patient with COVID-19 disease. Stroke in COVID-19 patients is triggered by hiperinflammation and hypercoagulability which are common in COVID-19 patients. Objective : To describe the risk factors of stroke on COVID-19 Patients hospitalized in DR. M. Djamil Padang during Maret 2020-Desember 2021 period. Methods : This study used a cross-sectional method using medical record data of patients diagnosed with stroke in COVID-19 patients. The sample was taken using the total sampling method. The data analysis was conducted Univariate to find the frequency distribution and bivariate using the Fisher's exact test to determine the relationship between risk factors and stroke in COVID-19 patients. Results : The result of study were 381 patients strokes. There are 36 patients strokes with COVID-19. Patient ischemic stroke with COVID-19 were 26 (72,22%) and hemorrhagic stroke with COVID-19 were 10 (27,78%). The most age group is ≥65 years old (47,2%) and the gender are more male (55,5%). The sequence of risk factors starting from the most is hypercoagulation, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipedimia, obesity, and history of heart disease. This study showed relationship between hypertension and the occurence of stroke in COVID-19 patients. Conclusion : The frequency of stroke in COVID-19 patient is 9,4%. Patient generally had coagulation disorders which are showed by increased D-dimer values. This study also showed the relationship between hypertension and the occurence of stroke in COVID-19 patients while other risk factors have no relationship. Keyword: Risk Factors, Stroke, Ischemic, Hemorrhagic, COVID-19
