Keluwih (Dec 2020)
Coronavirus: Penyakit Lama, Virus Lama, Kemasan Baru
Abstract— Covid -19, a virus strain and a member of family with known member as Severe Acute Respiratory Disease (SARS) or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), but having a potentially lethal differences in not readily recognized by our immunity. Classified as betacoronavirus, with incubation period up to 14 days, the sign and symptoms can be highly variable, from asymptomatic to mild to criticalin the form of severe pneumonia. Almost half the persons infected did not show any symptoms, but in cases of people with comorbidities such as advanced age, pregnancy, obesity or other certain diseases, could increase the likelihood of morbidity and even potentially fatal. Covid-19 has spread globally, including Indonesia, with a potentially increased number of cases, prevention in covid-19 protocol is a necessity. Keywords: Covid-19, SARS, symptoms, variable, prevention Abstrak— Covid-19, yang sebelumnya dikenal sebagai virus strain dari kelompok family yang sama dengan Severe Acute Respiratory Disease (SARS) atau Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), tapi memiliki fatalitas yang secara potensial lebih tinggi, karena bersiafat novel bagi sistem imunitas kita. Termasuk betacoronavirus, dengan masa inkubasi sampai dengan 14 hari, tanda dan gejala penyakit bisa sangat bervariasi, mulai dari asimtomatik, ringan sampai berat, dalam bentuk pneumonia berat. Hamper separuh penderita yang terinfeksi tidak menunjukkan gejala sama sekali, tapi pada penderita dengan komorbiditas seperti usia lanjut, kehamilan, obesitas atau penyakit kronis tertentu, resiko moribiditas dan mortalitas dapat meningkat. Covid-19 saat ini sudah menyebar ke seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia, dengan adanya potensi kenaikan kasus lebih banyak, pencegahan dalam bentuk protocol covid-19 bersifat mutlak diperlukan. Kata kunci: Covid-19, SARS, gejala, bervariasi, pencegahan