Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Agriculture and Environment (Dec 2022)
Comparative examination between traditional and worldwide-known red wine grapes and vines based on their qualitative and quantitative characteristics
The tradition of drinking wine has a very old history. Romania has a very good geographical location and a favourable climate for grapes; it is ideal for growing vines and producing quality wines. In our research, we analysed quantitative and qualitative parameters of four varieties of grapes in the Miniş-Măderat Vineyard. The objective was to look for differences between traditional varieties (Cadarcă/Kadarka and Fetască Neagră/Fekete Leányka) and world varieties (Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot). From the data, it could be concluded that the worldwide-known varieties yielded better results, but for a new plantation in the Miniş-Măderat Vineyard, we recommend the use of traditional varieties, as they have a better history in the area.