Maǧallaẗ Kulliyyaẗ Al-Tarbiyyaẗ - Ǧamiʿaẗ Būr Saʿīd (Jan 2018)
The Effectiveness of Online Dynamic Assessment in Enhancing Listening Comprhension Skills of Engineering Students
This study investigated the effectiveness of Online Dynamic Assessment in improving listening comprehension skills of engineering students. The study employed two instruments: Listening Comprehension Skills Checklist; and Listening comprehension Skills Test. The checklist was intended to determine the most important listening comprehension skills required for engineering students. Hence, it was administered to a sample (n=30) that included 10 engineering students,10 in-service engineers and 10 staff members of English as a Foreign Language and English for Specific Purposes. This study adopted the pre/post-test one group quasi-experimental design. The proposed program was applied on a sample of 16 students at the second year of the College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transport. The program lasted for 9 weeks. Then to measure its effectiveness, subjects' mean ranks on the pre-program administration of listening comprehension skills test were compared with their mean ranks on the post-program administration of the same test. The results indicated a significant improvement in engineering students' listening comprehension skills. This improvement can be interpreted in the favour of the effectiveness of the online dynamic assessment proposed program.