Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (Sep 2021)

Prevalence and factors associated with anxiety, depression and stress in a COVID-19 nursing team

  • Ana Paula Appel,
  • Ariana Rodrigues da Silva Carvalho,
  • Reginaldo Passoni dos Santos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 42, no. spe


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ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the levels of anxiety, depression and stress and their associated factors, among nursing professionals who make up the team working against COVID-19 of a University Hospital in the south of Brazil. Method Exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted from May to July 2020. Results From the total number of professionals, 53.8% had anxiety; 38.4% depression; and 40.3%, stress. Age, length of service in the profession, job satisfaction and work shift showed a statistically significant association with depression, while the employment contract, length of service in the UH, length of service in the unit prior to the opening of the COVID-19 unit and satisfaction at work showed a significant association with stress. Conclusions The nursing professionals of the COVID-19 team have important levels of anxiety, depression and stress, and the factors associated with depression and stress have been identified.
