Results in Physics (Dec 2021)
Reanalyzes for 42–51Ca scattering on a 12C target at 280 MeV/nucleon based on chiral g folding mode with Gogny-D1S Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov densities
Background:: In the previous paper, we predicted reaction cross sections σRfor 40−60,62,64Ca+12C scattering at 280 MeV/nucleon, using the chiral g-matrix folding model with the densities calculated with the Gogny-D1S Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov (GHFB) with and without the angular momentum projection (AMP), since Tanaka et al. measured interaction cross sections σI(≈σR)for 42−51Ca in RIKEN and determined neutron skin rskin(RIKEN)using the optical limit of the Glauber model with the Woods–Saxon densities. Purpose:: Our purpose is to reanalyze the rskinfrom the σIusing the chiral g-matrix folding model. Our analysis is superior to theirs, since the chiral g-matrix folding model (the GHFB and GHFB+AMP densities) is much better than the optical limit of the Glauber model (the Woods–Saxon densities). Methods:: Our model is the chiral g-matrix folding model with the densities scaled from the GHFB and GHFB+AMP densities. Results:: We scale the GHFB and GHFB+AMP densities so that the σRof the scaled densities can agree with the central values of σIunder the condition that the proton radius of the scaled proton density equals the data determined from the isotope shift based on the electron scattering. The rskinthus determined are close to their results rskin42−51(RIKEN), except for 48Ca. For 48Ca, our value rskin48is 0.105 ± 0.06 fm, while their value is rm48(RIKEN)=0.146±0.06 fm. We then take the weighted mean and its error of our result rskin48(σI)=0.105±0.06 fm and the result rskin48(E1pE)=0.17±0.03 fm of the high-resolution E1polarizability experiment (E1pE). Our final result is rskin48=0.157±0.027 fm. Conclusion:: Our conclusion is rskin48=0.157±0.027 fm for 48Ca. For 42−47,49−51Ca, our results on rskinare similar to theirs. Our result for 48Ca is related to CREX.