Проблеми сучасної психології (May 2019)
Relationship of Psychical Reliability and Motivational Component of Social and Psychological Compatibility of Sportsmen-Players
The problem of the influence of interpersonal relations on the maintenance of psychical stability and success of the competitive potential of athletes and teams is solved in the article. The systematization of theoretical approaches to the understanding of reliability in sports activities is presented. Interpersonal relationships are considered in the context of sociolity, which has motivational component as one of the leading ones. The aim of the research was to study the relationship of psychical reliability and motivational component of the social and psychological compatibility of athletesplayers. To achieve this goal, a battery of psychodiagnostic techniques was used. 70 athletes of professional-level game sports took part voluntarily in the empirical study. As a result of the correlation analysis, we identified specific interrelations both in the structure of the psychical reliability of athletesplayers – between emotional stability and self-regulation, motivational and energetic component, stability – noise immunity, and between the components of psychical reliability (motivational and energetic, stability – noise immunity) and individual parameters of the motivational component of social and psychological compatibility. It has been established that internal, pivotal, motive-forming motives for sports, which set a purposeful activity for selfrealization and athletic performance (the need for achievement, fight, selfimprovement – the motives of the stage of sportsmanship), have the dominant meaning for the formation of high psychical reliability, distinguishing a successful athlete, while situational motives arising from external sources relating to an individual or a task (material needs, the need for encouragement, approval, etc.) are not interconnected with the components of psychical reliability, as indirect or secondary.