Future of Medical Education Journal (Dec 2023)

Investigating the Satisfaction of Professors and Students with the New Course of Clinical Preparations Followed by the General Medicine Course of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences

  • Fariba Fathollahi-Dehkordi,
  • Fatame Aghaebrahimi,
  • Mohammdhasan Arjmand,
  • Elahe Tavassoli,
  • Zahra Ayazi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 4
pp. 14 – 20


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Background: In new clinical preparatory course of general medicine of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, topics of surgery, pediatrics, psychiatry, infectious, neurology, pharmacology, and pathology were integrated. This study was conducted to investigate the satisfaction of professors and students of new course of clinical preparations.Method: This was a cross-sectional study in 2021-2022. 173 students and 43 professors participated. Collection tool was a questionnaire which measured the satisfaction of professors and students with new clinical preparation course. Data were analyzed with SPSS 18 at significance level of p<0.05.Results: Average score of satisfaction of professors and students with the new course was 34.97 ± 2.65 and 42.58 ± 15.2, respectively which was average. Professors and students were most satisfied with the integration of pharmacology and pathology. Students were least satisfied with the facilities of the clinical skills center and appropriateness of the amount of material with time. The grade point average of the new course of clinical preparations was significantly higher than basic sciences (P<0.001). But it had an inverse relationship with students' satisfaction (r=-0.169, P=0.026).Conclusion: Professors' and students' satisfaction with clinical preparation course was moderate. The highest satisfaction was regarding integration of pathology and pharmacology. The limitation of clinical facilities and inadequacy of the materials with the time caused dissatisfaction of the students, which needs to be revised. Considering the increase in the grade point average of the clinical preparation course and the change in the way of holding exams, more studies are suggested for confirmation.
