Journal of High Energy Physics (Mar 2021)

Electroweak SU(2)L × U(1)Y model with strong spontaneously fermion-mass-generating gauge dynamics

  • Petr Beneš,
  • Jiří Hošek,
  • Adam Smetana

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2021, no. 3
pp. 1 – 21


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Abstract Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by quantum flavor dynamics (QFD), the gauged flavor SU(3) f symmetry with scale Λ. Anomaly freedom requires addition of three ν R . The approximate QFD Schwinger-Dyson equation for the Euclidean infrared fermion self-energies Σ f (p 2) has the spontaneous-chiral-symmetry-breaking solutions ideal for seesaw: (1) Σ f (p 2) = M fR 2 / p $$ {M}_{fR}^2/p $$ where three Majorana masses M fR of ν fR are of order Λ. (2) Σ f (p 2) = m f 2 / p $$ {m}_f^2/p $$ where three Dirac masses m f = m (0)1 + m (3) λ 3 + m (8) λ 8 of SM fermions are exponentially suppressed w.r.t. Λ, and degenerate for all SM fermions in f. (1) M fR break SU(3) f symmetry completely; m (3) , m (8) superimpose the tiny breaking to U(1) × U(1). All flavor gluons thus acquire self-consistently the masses ∼ Λ. (2) All m f break the electroweak SU(2) L × U(1) Y to U(1)em. Symmetry partners of the composite Nambu-Goldstone bosons are the genuine Higgs particles: (1) three ν R -composed Higgses χ i with masses ∼ Λ. (2) Two new SM-fermion-composed Higgses h 3 , h 8 with masses ∼ m (3) , m (8), respectively. (3) The SM-like SM-fermion-composed Higgs h with mass ∼ m (0), the effective Fermi scale. Σ f (p 2)-dependent vertices in the electroweak Ward-Takahashi identities imply: the axial-vector ones give rise to the W and Z masses at Fermi scale. The polar-vector ones give rise to the fermion mass splitting in f. At the present exploratory stage the splitting comes out unrealistic.
