مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بیرجند (Mar 2023)
Environmental and social factors associated with the spread of Covid-19:- A review study
Environmental and social determinants play a key role in health safety, and this factor is significantly highlighted in a pandemic situation. In this review study, determinants of health were examined from social and environmental approaches n the conditions of the COVID-19 epidemic. The study followed the methodology of a regular unsystematic narrative review search from the scientific database. In this study, it was found that the most important environmental and social factors affecting health in epidemic conditions included access to clean air, access to clean water, proper management of healthcare waste, income, and education levels. It was notable that air pollution led to an increase in deaths caused by COVID-19, while research on cigarette smoking showed a reverse association with mortality rate. Additionally, access to clean water and proper management of hospital and medical centers waste would reduce the risk of the presence of the coronavirus in water sources and living environments. Moreover, a high level of education and training was stated as an essential factor in reducing mortality. People with high education levels had more compliance with health training. Moreover, high-income levels in people led to more access to health services and the supply of health-related necessities during the epidemic, which reduced the rate of death to a high extent.